
Showing posts from June, 2017

Migrant Mother

The Migrant Mother is a photo of a woman taken by the government. It shows just how devistating the 1930s dust bowl was on rural America.

Creation of Adam

In 1511, Michelangelo created a painting of the creation of man.Notice how he is in front of an outline of a severed brain.

School of Athens

School of Athens is a painting of the pioneers of western philosophy.It was painted between 1509-11.

"The Last Supper"

The last supper is a renaissance painting made by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1498.It has Jesus and the 12 apostles, each with a different reaction to Jesus' eventual crucifixion.

"Skull with burning cigarette" by Vincent Van Gogh

The skull with a burning cigarette is an early Van Gogh. It could be called a "Momento Mori", which is a reminder that, one day, you will die.

The Scream by Edward Munch

The Scream is an expressionist painting about walking on a boardwalk, feeling exhausted and anxious at the same time, painted somewhere between 1893-1910.

Mona Lisa- by Leonardo Da Vinci

Painted between 1503-06 by Leonard Da Vinci, the Mona Lisa is the most recognized painting in the world. The main reason why it has endured as such an icon is that people wonder why she is smiling.There are many parodies around the world, made by the likes of Duchamp and and Sapeck.